Why you may want to cut back on soda intake

By May 21, 2014Blog, Uncategorized

soda glass
Nothing beats a nice cold soda with a slice of pizza or a hamburger, right? Well as it turns out… quite a lot does. Sodas, although tasty, can have a number of unpleasant effects on the human body that you probably didn’t even notice. Do you find yourself thirsty all the time? Or perhaps constantly suffering from a headache? The cause is probably a lot simpler than you realize.


Sugar Cravings

Drinking too much soda can cause your body to get used to a certain amount of sugars and calories in your diet. This can cause you to make unhealthy decisions as far as diet is concerned. The cravings in your brain will quickly shut down your “maybe I should get a salad” shoulder angel in favor of something fried and fatty. This can also lead to diabetes. Soda’s also do not quench your thirst. The amount of sugar in a soda can actually make you more thirsty!



As a result of the sugar cravings, and the caffeine content of most sodas, you can legitimately develop an addiction to soda. Having a caffeine addiction can contribute to poor sleep habits, weight gain, and constant headaches. If you do decide to stop drinking soda, you will go through a withdrawal period. As your body adjusts to less caffeine and sugar, you may experience a headache, irritability, fatigue, anxiety, or depression. The symptoms typically last for a few days to a week – and you’ll be better for it once it’s over.


Lower Bone Density

Soda can actually lower your bone density and contribute to osteoporosis in the long run. The phosphoric acid and caffeine are generally the culprits here. It also has become a replacement for milk. When soda drinkers get thirsty, they are far more likely to grab a soda over a glass of milk.



Sodas can have anywhere from 150-400 calories per serving. And because they make you more thirsty, you’ll probably drink more than one. As a result, you’re chugging empty calories. On a typical 2000 calorie diet, you can knock out 20% of your daily calorie allotment with one soda. Think about that for a second. One soda. Counts up to a fifth of your calories. No wonder sodas contribute to weight gain!


From a health standpoint, it’s safer to not drink soda at all. Although any cutting back on your part will be beneficial. If you want to avoid the major caffeine detox, you can gradually wean yourself off of it – or even substitute with coffee to help you through. If you do manage to give it up, you should have more energy, less headaches, and just feel better overall. And who doesn’t want to feel better!soda glass