How To Make (and keep) Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

By January 7, 2015Blog
fireworks in sky

Fact: Healthy New Year’s resolutions are very popular but tend to die out the quickest.

If you are one of the millions of people who make New Year’s resolutions and don’t keep them, we have a few suggestions to help you stay on top of your resolution, but more importantly, to keep you healthy.

First you need to start by setting a goal, even if you have broken them in the past. Try adjusting the number of goals and maybe even the type. A realistic goal is one that you can stick with all year!

Healthy (and easy) New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Control your portions – While you might be dealing with the terrible chore of eating more vegetables – You can start with the simple act of eating off of a smaller plate.
  2. Get active – Keeping in mind that you need to be realistic – Can you start with 4 push-ups a day? 5 jumping jacks? 6 lunges? I bet you can! You’ll be amazed at how quickly they numbers will go up day by day.
  3. Finally stop smoking – Get creative. Do you like presents or rewards? Set goals… 1 week (new outfit) 1 month (weekend getaway) 6 months (puppy)
  4. Drink more water – Now this might sound easy but you would be surprised at how hard it is for people to pick up the glass.  Get an exciting cup that you can bring with you. You never know – Batman on your new water bottle might be just the inspiration you need. If Batman isn’t your thing then start by substituting one cup of coffee or sugary beverage with a glass of water each day.
  5. Daily affirmations –  You’ve heard  “Change your thoughts, change your life.” It is possible to fill the mind with health thoughts by using positive health affirmations.  Repeating these affirmations over and over impresses the subconscious mind to such a degree that it slowly starts transforming the body to align with the health thoughts. Not sure where to start? Here is an example.

Perfection is unattainable. Remember that minor missteps when reaching your goals are completely normal and OK. Don’t give up completely because you ate a brownie and broke your diet, or skipped the gym for a week because you were busy. Everyone has ups and downs; resolve to recover from slips ups and get back on track.  

This year put health at the top of your list!

If you feel you want a check up before you start your New Year’s resolutions visit your local Coastal Urgent Care.